Committee of the 2016/17 academic year

Committee of the 2015/16 academic year

Bertie is now in his second year of the Presidency, but sadly leaving at the end of the academic year.

James is the best player on the team and competes in local tournaments at the Berkshire Polo Club. He also played at the prestigious Guards Polo Club in the summer alongside some of the best names in polo. James' handicap: 1 goal arena 0 goal grass

Ollie is our vice-captain, very committed to the club and brilliant player. He too will be leaving this year.

Kate organises all of the lessons for the club members, so if anyone would like a lesson please feel free to contact her.

Georgina joined the committee late this year, but has taken on the role brilliantly. She has organised a couple of successful events and was responsible for the advertisement of our annual polo ball in the Polo Times Magazine.

Leah organises our social events for the club. She successfully organised our annual event Rock the Polo.

Committee of the 2014/2015 academic year

This was Bertie's first year as President, and his time was so successful that he ran and won another term.

This too was Kate's first year on the committee. Kate is now in the current committee as Alumni Officer.

Thomas was our Captain in the 2014/2015 academic year and he played well for us in our Novice 1 team at the SUPA Nationals.

James Mann was a brilliant secretary in his first year of the committee, and in the following year he ran and won the role of Captain.

Committee of the 2013/2014 academic year